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Stell Structures   Střešní pláště   Obvodové pláště staveb   Mimo kategorizaci  

  We offer

  • Steel structures design
  • Static assessments of the current and static proposals of new steel constructions
  • Locksmith production of steel structures and structural parts
  • Comprehensive anticorrosive protection of steel structures
  • Design and implementation of building objects roof cladding
  • Design and implementation of building objects sheathing
  • Redeveloping reinforced steel structures
  • Service and inspection activity for steel and building construction
  • Construction, service and revision activity for industrial and residential building objects
  • Vertical transports of heavy loads
  • Ensuring movement and works at heights, permanent and mobile systems against fall
  • "Safe movement and works at heights" training within the meaning of the governmental decree No. 362/2005 Coll., including revision activity of personal security equipment for work at heights and over free debt.

  Over our thirty-year company history, due to faithfulness to the field of expertise, gradual acquiring of experiences and professional growth of the own staff involved as well as of our permanent design and implementation partners, we have achieved the level where we can guarantee to our customers a highly qualified and quality approach to implementation of contracts in the above mentioned fields of expertise.

For example, the following companies have become gradually our customers:

Čechofracht, ČEZ, Czech Railways, T-Mobile CZ, Czech Radiocommunications, Mitas, Prague Public Transport Company, Institute of Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy of the Czech Academy of Science, The Faculty of Art, Charles University, Prague Zoo, Technoexport, SČMVD, Kaučuk Kralupy, Prague Airport, ČSA, ČKA (gradually KOB and MF ČR GFŘ) a MOČR ASC, ŘLP or Coca Cola. Our services are used not only but firms and companies but also for example by private owners of real estates. We have enjoyed working on significant historical houses in St. Haštalská, Lazarská, Jindřišská, Anglická, Tyršová, Na Příkopech and Wenceslas Square or for the Havel family when maintaining the Barrandov massive.